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Religion- Ramadan is comming, as well as Tarawih Prayer, but is there still anyone who asks, Which is right? Tarawih 8 Rekaat or 20 Rekaat.
definitely at the fight to answer, not ris, ooooh الحمد لله if not, it should be buddy we need to remember is الحق من ربكم Truth is Belong to Allah. So do not ever admit to admit the most true and in the name of religion.
Then why is there any difference that there are 20 Rekaat Prayer?
Well the name of a human head guys, if the proverbial word, Another Field of weeds, Other head Other contents.
Praying Tarawih is Sunnah prayer even though the reward is the same as prayer fardhu because primacy of Ramadan. Many Rekaat Prayer Tarawih it self is not in limit Many and minimal by Major Rosululloh S.W.
So we do not need to make a fuss if there is a prayer only 8 or Sholat 20 Rekaat. Both have their own propositions.
Sholat Tarawih 20 rekaat
Following the hadith narrated by Imam Malik, narrated from Yazid Bin Roman he said "at the time of Kholifah Umar Prayer night Ramadhan 23 Rekaat" as well as in the time of Kholifah Ali Bin Abi Tholib, But there is a thought that this hadith is weak
In addition the majority of scholars say 20 Rekaat and 3 witir also made the Anshor and Muhajirin.
Read also: Ramadhan Fasting
While 8 rekaat based on hadith
from Abi Salamah ibn Abd al-Rahman, he once asked Sayyidah A`isyah radhiyallahu `anha about the prayers performed by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the month of Ramadan. A'ishah replied: "Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam never addi, both in the month of Ramadan and other than the month of Ramadan, from eleven rak'ah. He prays four rak'ahs, and do not ask him good and long. Then he prayed four rak'ahs, and do not ask him good and long. Then he prayed three rak'ahs. A'ishah then said: "I said, O Messenger of Allah, do you sleep before Witr prayer?" He replied: "O A'ishah, my eyes are actually sleeping, but my heart is not sleeping."
According to scholars, the understanding of 11 Rekaat is not for Tarawih Prayer because Tarawih Prayer is only done in Ramadhan month is Abi salamah question this year which means this proposition for Witr prayer.
It is also reinforced by the hadith narrated by Bukhori,
From A'ishah radhiyallahu `anha, he said:" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed the night of thirteen rak'ahs, among other Witr prayers and two rak'ah of Dawn. "
In addition to the hadith from Jabir, he said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:" The Messenger of Allaah (may peace be upon him) has worshiped in the month of Ramadhan eight rak'ahs and Witr "(17) This hadith is considered to be considered weak and even false because his row is Isa bin Jariyah and Ya`qub al-Qummi liars.
So guys if the mosque near the house used 8 Rekaat but you want 20 Rekaat keep pray at the mosque.
Well if the surau Prayer 20 sticky is you want 8 Rekaat do not also Pray at home, keep in mosque after 8 Rekaat you can stop or go home.
This difference Rekaat also happened in the time of Kholifah Umar which finally combined by him so 20.
In addition to hear lecture KH Anwar Zahid, we do not know which one is true 8 or 20, when in akherat later, but if later the 20th bener then the Prayer 20 still have savings 12, but if the bener 8 lack of 12 we want to ask With whom?
Hihi that's about his lectures that for people with simple thoughts like me would be acceptable.
Well at the end of writing keep decision on the belief of each yes masbrur, do not be a split let alone violence. Islam is beautiful, a true Muslim is a person who is nearby feel safe.
والله اعلم.