Understanding the Law of Adultery: Perspectives and Consequences

The Wisdom Of Bathing Or Tayamum

Fiqih- Familiarizing the clean life of hadats either large or small hadats will fortify us from bad habits. For example if we are always in keadan ablution at least we will always keep our ablution does not void. In addition, if our ablution has not canceled the tendency to do no good will be small.

Get used to the clean life of hadats especially ablution when we will do daily activities. Not only when will pray or read Al-Qur'an but also other activities. Suppose we want to go to school, willing to travel Even when going to bed.

Here is one of the wisdom of bathing:
Bathing makes a person may perform a worship that was initially banned before he showered.

Bathing outwardly can restore the freshness of the body, and the spirit becomes fresh. Besides cleanliness and freshness can maintain health.

A form of gratitude to Allah For a new entry into Islam, free from postpartum, and the completion of the menstrual period.

If you had a bath then the following wisdom tayamum.
To show the nature of Rahman and Rahimnya Alloh by not complicate humans to implement the teachings of religion. Example when being sick and should not be exposed to water or hard to get water then may be replaced with tayamum using dust.

Besides the soil or dust is wherever we are so there is no reason not to find it. In addition, the ground can also weaken our anger.

Make people aware that the origin of their creation from the ground and will be restored to the ground. So it does not apply arrogant.

Giving awareness that there is no reason to leave worship. It also shows the complete flexibility of Islamic teachings as per human needs.

The word tayamum according to the language means Al-Qosdhu which means towards or intentional. According to the term Definition, is the deliberate use of land to sweep both hands and face with the intention to perform the prayer.