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Fiqh, Human Origin and Process The formation of the fetus, in Islamic jurisprudence created Alloh from the essence of the soil, which then made him semen or sperm in a man.
When the male sperm meets the ovaries of the woman there is conception in the womb of a woman. The ahirnya become the fetus and grow until human form.
This is one sign of the greatness of the creator who makes man from something worthless like a sperm that then becomes blood, then a lump of flesh, then kemudin form bones and wrapped by flesh until it becomes a perfect baby.
Only with the power of Allah is all the Process can happen. Although many unbelievers are researching and trying to make people who have reason and mind.
But only Allah is as good as the Creator. As described in Q.S. Al Mukminun: 12-14
Translation Surat Al Mukminun 12 14
"And indeed, We created man from the quintessence of the soil, then We made it of semen (which is stored) in a firm place (the womb), and then we put it into something, and then that which is attached We make a lump of meat, and a lump of the meat We made the bones, then the bones We wrap with the flesh Then we make it another creature, the Holy One of Allah, the Creator of the best "
But buddy buddy that our life that we live is already written even before we are born, like our nature, sustenance, age, all set when we are in the womb as much as Mother '. As explained in the hadith which is narrated by Bukhari and the following Muslims.
"From Abdurrohman's father Abdulloh ibn mas'ud rodhiyallohu'anhu, he said: Rosululloh Saw As a righteous and justified man said: really one of you is gathered in his mother's abdomen for 40 days as a sperm, then 40 days later the form of a clot of blood, then form a piece of meat for 40 days, then the angel (officer of the spirit) is sent, then blowing his spirit (after 120 days), and the angel was ordered to record 4 provisions of his provision, death, or luck, for the sake of Allah, there is no god besides Him, truly as of you will always do the deeds of the people of heaven, to the measure of a cubit between him and heaven, then he is preceded by the provisions (written as he in the belly of the mother) then he does the deeds of the hell, so go into hell. And indeed one of you always do the deeds of hell, h and between him and hell a measure of a cubit, and he (before death) in the forefront of the providence of fate, he does the deeds of the people of heaven, then enter into heaven. " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
We are always advised to ask Allah to be saved from the glances and touch of demons in 3 important days. That is the day of Birth, the Day of Death and the Day of Resurrection.
These three important phases and the critical alleges of man are described in the Qur'an Sura Maryam 15
Translation of the letter of maryam verse 15.
"Salvation over him (yahya alaihissalam) on the day he was born, on the day he died, and on the day he was raised, to live again (from the grave).