Understanding the Law of Adultery: Perspectives and Consequences

Praying Dead Bodies

Fiqih- Terms of Praying the Bodies, have you ever prayed the Bodies? Well every Muslim who dies obligatory to make in the corpse of his corpse, one of them is disholati, so for Muslims who do not want to pray tar disholati loo hihi becanda buddy.

To praying Bodies also have his Terms not origin, because all of it is set in Islam. So what are the conditions?

1. Close the aurat, holy of hadats, body of place and wear must be clean from unclean, and facing Qiblah.

2. The body has been bathed and in kafani.

3. Place the body on the mecca of the person who menyolatkannya.

What is the step?
Step for  Prayer is 7
1. Intention
2. Stand for the capable
3. Takbir 4 times
4. Read the Fatihah
5. Read Sholawat
6. Mendo'akan Bodies
7. Membsri Salam.

Well how dude! Already understood the terms and Rukun Praying his corpse? So if there are Muslims who died in your neighborhood then the law must kifayah to take care of it.

This kifayah obligatory means obliged to the people who are around the body, if there are already take care of it is no longer required for others. But if no one takes care of the Bodies any then one area all gets sin.

So try to takziah if there are Muslims who died ya friend, so we always remember that life is not eternal, and whatever we get in this world we will never bring death.

Houses, apartments, goats, cows, horses, Harley motorcycles, lamborgini, ferrari, Roy's rolls, hp apple, gold, mines, even this world will not be able to bring into the grave. Only the good deeds can bring you.