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Why Should We Pray Together

Fiqih, why should we pray together? Let's be the same we read why we as Muslims should pray together. Some wisdom in congregational prayer among them.

The prayer of worshipers is more important than the prayer itself with a difference of 27 degrees. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad which means: "from Abdulloh bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Praying prayer exceeds the virtue of praying alone by twenty-seven degrees". (H.R Bukhori-Muslim).

The prayer of worshipers can perfect the shortcomings in performing the prayer. By seeing and performing the same prayer then indirectly the deficiency will be fixed.

The prayer of worshipers can foster a sense of brotherhood of the degree of unity and unity of the people. Because in the implementation does not distinguish the decay and status of members of the congregation. Whatever the status of a person, he or she is entitled to be a priest when his prayers are eloquent. On the contrary, even outside of one's office prayer as a leader but the reading of his prayer is not eloquent then he is not good to be a priest.

The prayer of worshipers  can cultivate the attitude of discipline, discipline as a priest, as well as the people or makmum. A leader must be fair fair wise in criticism if wrong. Understand very well how to lead. Whereas makmum harua obedient and obedient to the leader as long as true.

The prayer of worshipers can help concentration of mind or kekolukan prayer in addition to each work done together will increase the spirit of the person doing it and the emergence of the feeling that what is done is important.

The prayer of worshipers  can also be used as an exercise for children who have not been able to perform their own prayers. And also as an example to the child for praying in congregation.

The prayer of worshipers can strengthen the relationship with each other who at other times they are busy with their respective jobs.